A great opportunity to purchase this well positioned semi detached bungalow set in a very pleasant road on the outskirts of Denmead village. This property sits in an elevated position backing onto open fields that currently form part of 'the Denmead gap'. The accomodation offers a welcoming entrance hall with two double bedrooms, lounge, bathroom and kitchen with a door into the conservatory. The loft is also boarded and carpeted with a V-lux style window providing natural light. To the outside there is ample off street parking leading to the oversized garage with lighting and power.
This home is offered with vacant posession and no forward chain.
Accessed via UPVC double glazed front door with radiator, loft access via drop down ladder accessing loft room, full height shelved airing cupboard and additional shelved storage cupboard.
Smooth plastered ceiling, large UPVC picture window front aspect, radiator, gas coal effect living flame fire set in decorative granite surround.
Patterned ceiling with fitted furniture including three sets of double wardrobes and one single wardrobe, fitted chest of drawers with storage cupboard, radiator and large picture window overlooking front garden.
Patterned ceiling with coving, UPVC window to rear aspect looking onto enclosed garden and radiator.
Smooth plastered ceiling, UPVC obscured double glazed window to rear aspect, suite comprises close coupled wc with concealed cistern, hand basin with storage under, panelled bath, ladder style heated towel rail.
Smooth coved ceiling, UPVC window to rear aspect and glazed door accessing the rear conservatory, stainless steel sink/drainer set in modern light coloured counter tops with matching risers, inset gas hob, range of modern light beech coloured cupboards and drawer units, integrated fridge and built in oven, shelved cupboard housing the gas boiler.
Brick and UPVC construction with vertical blinds and patio doors leading to the rear garden, plumbing for washing machine.
Detached oversized sectional garage with up and over door to the front and with lighting and power.
South facing hedge and fence enclosed laid to lawn with paved patio area and access to concrete driveway.
To the front is a concrete driveway providing parking for several vehicles and a lawned area.
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